I struggled a lot with anxiety today. I'm currently in-between meds (ugh) and it's been difficult to deal with my emotions. I actual saw an interesting statistic today that made me think to start posting again. According to the Anxiety and depression Association of America, "Anxiety disorders are the
most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older (18% of U.S. population)." So I know there is someone out there that this can help.
I saw this tattoo on Pinterest today (totally obsessed with both, by the way).
It reminded me that although I have my problems--just like everyone else--I don't have to become victim to them. I can rise up, kick them in the balls, and say "I'm a fighter."
I thought this could help strengthen anyone going through anything--not that you have to have it tattood on you or anything. :)
So that was my inspirational thought of the day. Thanks for reading!